How to Create a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser. (Phone)
1.) Sign in to your Facebook and on the homepage and click the bottom right Button and then click “Fundraisers”.

2.) Click “Raise Money” and then click “Nonprofit”.

3.) Type in “PFNCA’ and Click on our organizations banner. It should be the one with our canine mascot “AMP” on it.

4.) Type in the name of your fundraiser, for example you could type “Mr. Smith’s Birthday Fundraiser – March 25th”.

5.) Select your fundraising goal (This is not the amount of money you are donating but the amount of money you hope to raise through others donations.) we recommend $1,000. Then click “Create”.

6.) Click on your fundraiser and select “Edit”.

7.) Finally select an end date for your fundraiser (This should be your birthday date) and then click “Save”.

Congratulations if you have followed all the steps your Birthday Fundraiser should now be up and running. Thank you for supporting us on your special day and we wish you a very Happy Birthday!